
3rd day of the educational seminar for kids

Third day of our seminar started with the praying in the Orthodox Church at 8am.

After that, we went to the Central Library of Rezekne, where we had a very interesting task – to find information about different religions and churches in Rezekne. Every team had its own topic – Catholic churches, Orthodox churches, Old-Believers Church, Evangelical Lutheran Holy Trinity Church and Green Synagogue. After working in teams and finding interesting information, we presented it to everyone in the library. 

Our next mission for the day was orientation. We got papers with different tasks, which we had to complete in two hours (before the lunch). We had to solve a rebus, draw an angel near the Orthodox Church, compose a poem, ask people to sign our declaration and take a loot of photos. In addition, we had a pleasant surprise - our volunteers, Jesus and Robert, hid presents for everyone at the finish. Kids imagined they are pirates and tried to find a buried treasure using helpful tips.

After tasty lunch, we had a first aid lesson. Jāzeps Korsāks told us the basics of first aid – how to call the ambulance, how to check if a person is breathing, how to do a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (an emergency procedure that combines heart massage and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest). Kids were able to practice everything they learnt during the lesson. 

Wednesday was a very active, fun and educational day!

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