From the 2nd of January 2018 till the 1st of May 2019 Jaunatnes Čemodāns in cooperation with Partners realizes a European Voluntary Service project "Youth Platform" in the framework of the EU programme "Erasmus+". 2 EVS volunteers from Spain and Armenia will work in Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
Our celebrating of March 8 in Rezekne
Today was the 8 of March, international women's day. So I woke up today at 08:00 o'clock, and Jesus after one and a half hour if I am not mistaken. After having breakfast I started to send the congratulations to the girls that I know. After couple of hours we decided to go to the supermarket and buy some chocolate as a gift for the 8 of March. As we thought that giving flowers is not convenient and practic, because they will spoil after a couple of days. So we bought chocolate for our girl (meitene) mentors, and 2 more chocolates for the girls that we will meet in the street. The same day we had been invited to the concert in Joriks. So we took our chocolates and went to the concert. On our way to Joriks unfortunately we didn't meet any girls. So when entered the concert hall, we left our clothes in the wardrobe, where the beautiful Latvian girls were working. So I chose one girl and congratulated her with the 8 of March, and gave her the chocolate.
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Hello from Armenia! Hello from sending organisation from Armenia!
After the project Robert met his Sending organisation from Yerevan to share his experience with others. Here will be some information. Tha...
No 2019. gada 19. janvāra līdz mēneša beigām Rēzeknes Centrālās bibliotēkas abonementā apskatāma fotogrāfiju izstāde “Latvija mūsu sirdī...
Dear Robert, Huge thank you for your work, attitude, smiling with youth and kids, inteligence, wonderful activities you organized and also...
EUROSCOLA EP Informācijas birojs katru gadu izsludina konkursu 10.-12.klašu skolēniem. „ Balva – iespēja doties uz Eiropas Parlamen...
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