"Gaudeamus igitur" (Therefore let us make merry) on a skull-shaped tankard, Valentin-Karlstadt Museum (de), Munich "Iuvenes dum sumus" (While we are young) "De Brevitate Vitae" (Latin for "On the Shortness of Life"), more commonly known as "Gaudeamus Igitur" ("So Let Us Rejoice") or just "Gaudeamus", is a popular academic commercium song in many Western countries, mainly sung or performed at university graduation ceremonies. Despite its use as a formal graduation hymn, it is a jocular, light-hearted composition that pokes fun at university life. The song is thought to originate in a Latin manuscript from 1287. It is in the tradition of carpe diem ("seize the day") with its exhortations to enjoy life. It was known as a beer-drinking song in many early universities and is the official song of many schools, colleges, universities, institutions, student societies and is the official anthem of the International University Sports Federation.
Jāņi ([jɑːɲi]) is an annual Latvian festival celebrating the summer solstice. Although the solstice usually falls on 21 or 22 June, the public holidays—Līgo Day and Jāņi Day—are on 23 and 24 June. The day before Jāņi is known as Līgo Day (formerly known as Zāļu Day). On Jāņi all people travel from the city into the countryside to gather and eat, drink, sing and celebrate the solstice by observing the ancient folk traditions relating to renewal and fertility.
Starting from June 22 until 24 took place dance and song festival Gaudeamus in Tartu. On these days were also Latvian pagon festival Ligo. Inga, the women from Luznava with the dancing and singing groups were participating in this festival and she suggested me to join them because they have one place and they could take me with them. Of course I agreed and went with them. Tartu was a beatifull and cosy town with interesting history and student life. During all three days they dance, sing and made interesting and nice traditional activities.
From the 2nd of January 2018 till the 1st of May 2019 Jaunatnes Čemodāns in cooperation with Partners realizes a European Voluntary Service project "Youth Platform" in the framework of the EU programme "Erasmus+". 2 EVS volunteers from Spain and Armenia will work in Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
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Hello from Armenia! Hello from sending organisation from Armenia!
After the project Robert met his Sending organisation from Yerevan to share his experience with others. Here will be some information. Tha...
No 2019. gada 19. janvāra līdz mēneša beigām Rēzeknes Centrālās bibliotēkas abonementā apskatāma fotogrāfiju izstāde “Latvija mūsu sirdī...
Dear Robert, Huge thank you for your work, attitude, smiling with youth and kids, inteligence, wonderful activities you organized and also...
EUROSCOLA EP Informācijas birojs katru gadu izsludina konkursu 10.-12.klašu skolēniem. „ Balva – iespēja doties uz Eiropas Parlamen...
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