Hello, my name is Robert. My appearance is something like this...
Before getting the visa... After getting the visa...

I am the EVS volunteer from Armenia. I am 28 years old. This is my first EVS project but not first Erasmus+ project. I have been involved in volunteering work since 2014. I always wanted to participate in EVS project, and when I saw this EVS opportunity in Rēzekne, Latvia I told myself, "this is for me, and I will participate in this project". I sent the motivation letter and CV and then came the fears...
- Meet the deadlines
- How to get the VISA
- Where and how to buy the plane ticket
- Who will be my mentor girl or boy
- to be continued... ))
- To meet interesting people
- Beautiful Latvian girls
- Learn new things
- Find friends 🎈
- Latvian Black Balsam 🍷💧
- Cool and good projects
- FUN 🎤 🎀
As we don't have Latvian embassy in Armenia, and that is very strange, I went to Tbilisi, Georgia to get the visa for coming to Latvia. I hoped to get the visa in one day, but unfortunately there were missing two documents. So I gave my application and came back to Armenia. I gave the application on 30th of January and they called me on the 7th of February and told me to come and take the visa. I went on the 8th of February and took the visa. Here are some photos and videos that I made on my way to Tbilisi and back...
Before getting the visa... After getting the visa...

These are videos that I made during my way...
See you soon
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