From the 2nd of January 2018 till the 1st of May 2019 Jaunatnes Čemodāns in cooperation with Partners realizes a European Voluntary Service project "Youth Platform" in the framework of the EU programme "Erasmus+". 2 EVS volunteers from Spain and Armenia will work in Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
Sunday school 16/12/2018
This week, during our Sunday school, we decided to make houses for birds with the kids.
Our activity was difficult to do but we managed it. It had several steps..

Our activity was difficult to do but we managed it. It had several steps..
First we asked people who already did it to know what materials we need, and we bought them.
Second step was to cut all the parts of bird house and do it correct.
And the last third part to collect all the parts together and correct.
Here are some photos how we did it...
Here are some photos how we did it...

Spanish Christmas and New Year presentation
This monday 17 of December, our spanish volunteer Jesús has made a interactive and funny presentation about the traditional topics of Christmas in Spain.
In this activity, the participants have used their phones for making a competition, answering questions in a quiz, with explanation after every question
Here you can find the quiz

The three winners of this quiz cameback home with some spanish products as prizes :)
And to complete the day, after explaining the Spanish New Year tradition, we made a simulation to celebrate it together, eating 12 grapes in the last "12 seconds of the year".
You can watch the next video and guess how this tradition works, it's really interesting and funny :D
In this activity, the participants have used their phones for making a competition, answering questions in a quiz, with explanation after every question
Here you can find the quiz

The three winners of this quiz cameback home with some spanish products as prizes :)
And to complete the day, after explaining the Spanish New Year tradition, we made a simulation to celebrate it together, eating 12 grapes in the last "12 seconds of the year".
You can watch the next video and guess how this tradition works, it's really interesting and funny :D
T-shirts and Pullover of Youth Platform!!
Bachata lessons in Joriks Theatre!!!!
Our spanish volunteer Jesús, sharing his own latin culture, is teaching in our main theatre (Joriks) this beautiful and sensual dance that is a trending in all the World nowadays. You will have the opportunity to learn this fantastic dance from someone who has this culture in his country.
If you want to join us, you can contact us by Facebook, or you can come every Tuesday and Thursday from 18:30. Come and have fun with us.
European Discussion Club
EP Informācijas birojs katru gadu
izsludina konkursu 10.-12.klašu skolēniem. „Balva
– iespēja doties uz Eiropas Parlamentu Strasbūrā un kopā ar vidusskolēniem no
visām Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm redzēt klātienē parlamentāro darbu.
Rēzeknes 2.vidusskolas Skolēnu Pašpārvaldes
jaunieši ar lielu interesi iesaistījās šajā konkursā. No trim piedāvātajiem
uzdevumiem komanda izvelējās – veidot EP spēles projektu.
Strādājot pie šī projekta, jaunieši
saviem spēkiem izveidoja izglītojošo galda spēli, ar kuras palīdzību uzzināja
daudz jauna par Eiropas Parlamentu un Eiropas Savienību.
Rēzeknes 2.vidusskolas jaunieši uzvarēja
rīkotajā konkursā un 31.01. ir aicināti uz darba sesiju Eiropas Parlamentā, uz
Jaunieši diskutēs
ar citu Eiropas valstu jauniešiem par šobrīd svarīgām tēmām: drošība,
cilvēktiesības, jauniešu bezdarbs, kultūrmantojums u.c.
Lai sagatavotos
šai dienai, jaunieši piedalās diskusijās un semināros, ko rīko organizācijas
“Jaunatnes čemodāns” Eiropas brīvprātīgaisno Spānijas Jesus Jose Moreno Quesada!
Some of our students are going to the european youth meeting in Strasbourg, and due to it, our spanish volunteer, Jesús, is making debates every week with them during 3 months, in order to make them ready to participate activily in the meeting. They learn some information about the current european plan, they share their opinion and learn new vocabulary. You can see the an example in the next presentation:
In the first meeting, with the objetive to get to know each other, we played some name games, and we made a quiz about Europe with the IT tool Kahoot.
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Hello from Armenia! Hello from sending organisation from Armenia!
After the project Robert met his Sending organisation from Yerevan to share his experience with others. Here will be some information. Tha...
No 2019. gada 19. janvāra līdz mēneša beigām Rēzeknes Centrālās bibliotēkas abonementā apskatāma fotogrāfiju izstāde “Latvija mūsu sirdī...
Dear Robert, Huge thank you for your work, attitude, smiling with youth and kids, inteligence, wonderful activities you organized and also...
EUROSCOLA EP Informācijas birojs katru gadu izsludina konkursu 10.-12.klašu skolēniem. „ Balva – iespēja doties uz Eiropas Parlamen...