From the 2nd of January 2018 till the 1st of May 2019 Jaunatnes Čemodāns in cooperation with Partners realizes a European Voluntary Service project "Youth Platform" in the framework of the EU programme "Erasmus+". 2 EVS volunteers from Spain and Armenia will work in Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
2nd International expedition - 06.10.2018.
At the end of August, we told you about the “International Expedition in the Rezekne Region”, in the Makonkaln parish, which was organized by the volunteers of the youth society Jaunatnes Čemodāns - Jesus from Spain and Robert from Armenia. International Expedition is dedicated to the centenary of Latvia, and its goal is to develop and maintain the activity and initiative of young people. All those who wanted to participate, depending on their interests, were divided into five working groups. One group developed expedition plans and routes. Another group collecting and processing photo and video materials. The third group is responsible for food, and the fourth for health, safety, and all related activities. The task of another group is to develop a program of activities, search partners for cooperation and maintain a good mood among the children.
Last Saturday, on October 6, took place the second “International Expedition” , during which we explored Grishkan volost.
On a sunny Saturday morning, we firstly went to a meeting with the youth affairs specialist of the Grishkan volost Igor Isupov and directly with the youth itself.
Eiropas brīvprātīgā darba projekta “Youth Platform” ietvaros
06.10.2018. programma
11.45. Izbraukšana ( ar
Rēzeknes satiksmes autobusu Nr.17).
12.30. Ierašanās Griškānu
jauniešu centrā un nokārtošanās
(Adrese: Griškānu
pagasts, Rēzeknes novads).
Tikšanās ar Griškānu pagasta jauniešiem. Iepazīšanas un saliedēšanas aktivitātes.
13.30. Vietējo jauniešu
prezentācija par Griškānu pagastu un viņu aktīvo darbību.
14.00. Āra kustīgas aktivitātes un apkārtnes
15.00. Brīvais laiks.
Piebilde: Tajā laikā
jaunieši savāc visas mantas un gatavojas izbraucienam ar smailītēm.
15.15. Instruktāža
braukšanai ar smailītēm.
15.30. Izbraukšana ar
smailītēm no Griškānu pagasta pa Rēzeknes upi. Ekspedīcija pa Rēzeknes upi.
Ainavu apskate.
17.15. Ierašanās
Rēzeknē. Inventāra sakārtošana.
17.30. Pulcēšanas jaunatnes
biedrībā „Jaunatnes Čemodāns” (N.Rancāna 51A). Tējas pauze. Ekspedīcijas
izvērtēšana, plāni uz nākotni.
Piebilde: Tiks apspriesta
ekspedīcija, dalībnieku atsauksmes (kopsavilkums).
Human Library by Robert
On the 10th of October took place Human Library in NGO Jaunatnes Cemodans organized by EVS volunteer from Armenia Robert Zohrabyan. During the activity people came to read books, but instead of books there were real people, EVS volunteers which are doing there EVS project in Rezekne, Latvia. Each book was one volunteer which talked about one specific topic. Topics were different, culture, cultural diversities, how to be vegetarian, politic,
You can find more information about the Human Library in facebook page here.
You can find more information about the Human Library in facebook page here.
European language day
On the 25th of September in Polish gymnasium in Rezekne took place event dedicated to the European language day. In thisevent participated EVS volunteers from Armenia, Spain, Russia, France, Belarus, and Italy. Volunteers presented there languages and made games with the local youth.
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Hello from Armenia! Hello from sending organisation from Armenia!
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