From the 2nd of January 2018 till the 1st of May 2019 Jaunatnes Čemodāns in cooperation with Partners realizes a European Voluntary Service project "Youth Platform" in the framework of the EU programme "Erasmus+". 2 EVS volunteers from Spain and Armenia will work in Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
Outdoor activities
As it is summer, and the youth is free and at home, we decided to make three times a week some outdoor activities in which we are playing games, making sport activities with youth like playing volleybal, running, energizers and fun games. This is for that that youth instead of staying at home and playing computer and spending there time for different unnecessary and unuseful things could spent time more useful and learn something new for there future.
Hard work in school ))
From the beginning of March till the end of May we worked in Rezekne Secondary school N6 and in the Polish state gymnasium. I helped English teachers to prepare and make English lessons and Jesus helped to prepare and make Spanish lessons at Secondary School N6 as it is the onliest school in region with the opportunity for youth to learn Spanish.
During the classes we talked with pupils in English in order to improve there speaking knowledge, made some energizers, played games told about EVS and some other activities.
The activities were about global warming, diversity, pollution and many other. We used non-formal methods and interactive games to bring the aim of the problem tot he pupils and make it more easy to understand.
Also we were invited by the director of the school to participate in there last bell of Form 9 and Form 12 at the Secondary school N6. During our speech we gave them some advices for the future life, like to learn English because it is necessary in our every day life, not to be afraid of challenges that life gives to us, and trust on you.
During the classes we talked with pupils in English in order to improve there speaking knowledge, made some energizers, played games told about EVS and some other activities.
The activities were about global warming, diversity, pollution and many other. We used non-formal methods and interactive games to bring the aim of the problem tot he pupils and make it more easy to understand.
Also we were invited by the director of the school to participate in there last bell of Form 9 and Form 12 at the Secondary school N6. During our speech we gave them some advices for the future life, like to learn English because it is necessary in our every day life, not to be afraid of challenges that life gives to us, and trust on you.
Our on Arrival training
From March 23 till 26 we had a on arrival training in Bauska. The place was really nice and friendly.
And here is the video how we start that...
During our on arrival training we did a lot of activities and tasks, where we need to cooperate with each other know our stong and weak places in order to reach our goals.
Back to work and to Rezekne
Riga Ball
On the 3rd of June within the framework of the days of Russian culture in Latvia, in the house of the Riga's Latvian Society took place Ball of Bravura ("Бал дивного цвета"). This summer Ball is organized already the fourth year and the organizers are Orthodox youth society. In the ball participated young people and volunteers from Riga, Daugavpills, Liepāja and Rēzekne.
The elegant participants of the ball went into the hall and swayed gently around the parquet floor with the sounds of the polonaise. 11 dances were performed for the guests including Waltz, Mazurka, Moresca, Cinderella. There were 44 dance couples, 7 of which came from Rezekne. 14 young men and girls have been diligently preparing for the ball for two months. It is worth noting that among them was a EVS volunteer from Armenia Robert Zohrabyan, who works in Youth case Jaunatnes Čemodāns.
Here are some photos in which are participants fromRezekne....

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Hello from Armenia! Hello from sending organisation from Armenia!
After the project Robert met his Sending organisation from Yerevan to share his experience with others. Here will be some information. Tha...
No 2019. gada 19. janvāra līdz mēneša beigām Rēzeknes Centrālās bibliotēkas abonementā apskatāma fotogrāfiju izstāde “Latvija mūsu sirdī...
Dear Robert, Huge thank you for your work, attitude, smiling with youth and kids, inteligence, wonderful activities you organized and also...
EUROSCOLA EP Informācijas birojs katru gadu izsludina konkursu 10.-12.klašu skolēniem. „ Balva – iespēja doties uz Eiropas Parlamen...