
Seminar "EVS stories and Experience"

On the 27th July Robert and Jesus organized an educational seminar about EVS and Erasmus+ programme. The seminar was lead also by ex-EVS volunteer Sergejs, who was an EVS volunteer in Poland. During the seminar they told youth about their interesting life events, about their project "Youth Platform", what they have learned during their project time, and more other very important information about EU programme Erasmus+ and how youth can become a volunteer. In order to make the seminar more interactive and creative, volunteers used non-formal education methods like getting to know each other games and funny energizers.

 At the end of the seminar volunteers invited youth to participate in their activities and the programme of a new educational seminar (30.07.-03.08.2018.) for children for the next week was discussed with youth. Tasks and responsibilities were split among youth-mentors. So some of youth will make first steps in local volunteers work.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or you want to know the events of Erasmus+ , we suggest you to visit these webpages:

All the information about Erasmus+ events
Solidarity Corp (European Volunteer)
Webpage for finding youth exchanges and training courses

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